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Royal Surrey County Hospital

Stokes Urology Centre

Winner of RICS Social Impact Award


K2CM successfully delivered The Stokes Urology Centre, which represents an investment of £5.5m – jointly funded by the RSCH NHS Trust and the Prostate Project Charity. This landmark project will change how urology patients are treated at the hospital for many years to come.  It represents a premium world class facility which sets the benchmark for future facilities within the NHS.

Royal Surrey County Hospital
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Operating Room

Health &


K2CM is working with Bromley Council and the NHS to transform a large purpose-built office into a first-floor Health and Wellbeing Centre. We have worked with the Councils' Place Department, Integrated Care Board, and NHS as partners in project delivery, leadership, and design management. Collectively, we have worked together to develop and align an accelerated program building upon Council strategies, while supporting the business plan for healthcare strategy and development within the Bromley Borough.

Through constant engagement with a multi-disciplinary design team and NHS doctors, we reconfigured existing spaces to provide consultation rooms, treatment rooms, phlebotomy rooms, offices, and improved waiting areas. These changes will alleviate pressures from the NHS while facilitating positive patient engagement for the Bromley Borough.

Waiting Area

St Luke's
Cancer Centre

K2CM were appointed by Royal Surrey County Hospital to support the Business Case development and deliver Project Management, Contract Administrator and Quantity Surveying services for the St Luke's Cancer Centre.

K2CM managed the design process during the covid pandemic, working with multiple stakeholders during unprecedented times to ensure client's requirements were accurately documented and expertly led the project through approval project gateways over nine phases. The new centre opened in May 2024.


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