Hale Village Regeneration, London

Development of a vibrant, sustainable urban village. A £500m regeneration development
About the

Hale Village

A development inspired by the world acclaimed redevelopment of Hammarby, a waterside district of Sweden’s capital Stockholm. K2 were appointed early to provide Strategic Project and Development Management services to the mixed-use scheme, which has created a new destination and sustainable community in North London. As the project developed, K2’s services were expanded to deliver construction management of the infrastructure and cost and commercial advice.

Key London regeneration site

K2 is working in partnership with Hale Village Properties in delivering the development, which includes 1,200 new homes, 32,000 ft2 of offices, community centre, supermarket, shops, restaurants and cafés, health centre, fitness centre and crèche. The development also includes accommodation for 1,150 students, central biomass heating system and high quality public realm.

Complex development

The project challenges are many, including construction of a 30 storey tower, remediation of a contaminated site, removing historic air raid shelters, constructing over the Victoria line, constructing adjacent to a major rail intersection, canals and waterways.